Investment Strategy

Creating Global Value Through Investments in Food Production, Food Safety, & Food Waste.

Fulcrum Global Capital invests in innovative and promising agriculture (including agtech) and animal health companies that capitalize on the compelling market opportunities driven by the explosive growth of the global population and the resulting strain on the food supply. As early-stage investors we believe in active management and are often involved in formulating strategy, recruiting key executives, and solidifying other industry and investor relationships for our portfolio companies. We seek to bring value beyond our investment capital through our industry expertise and strategic partners.

A growing population, reduced available land and water for food production and changes in population demographics, will fundamentally change how and what the world eats.

Technologies that drive crop and animal yields, analytics that allow for production optimization, and diagnose, detect, predict and treat disease will all be of paramount importance in meeting this challenge.

Agriculture, Supply Chain & Animal Health Strategy

Supply Chain & Logistics

  • … eliminating food waste across the supply chain

  • … and handling systems, treatments, and technologies

  • … management and optimization systems

Precision Agriculture

  • … systems driven by crop or animal-level data

  • … that enable management intervention and productivity enhancement

  • … that integrate precision agriculture tools and make information accessible across the value chain

Food Safety

  • … harvest bacterial controls

  • … pathogen detection

  • … preservation technologies

Sustainable Production

  • … for pest control, weed control & yield enhancement

  • … that reduce the use of chemicals, water or fertilizer resourcesthat enable management intervention and productivity enhancement

  • … for agricultural products or wastes

Novel Treatment & Growth Promoters

  • … antibacterial / antimicrobial compounds

  • … and feed ingredients that improve daily weight gain and feed conversion

  • … that enable cost-effective treatment of animals

Wearable Technology

  • … and sensing for livestock

  • … that enable veterinary engagement outside the clinic

  • … that can improve the standard of care or reduce the cost in caring for animals

Analytics & Decision Support

  • … and integration platforms

  • … health concepts from human health that can improve animal and crop agriculture

  • … that lead to improved management and care outcomes

  • … decision support tools that can apply to veterinary care

Rapid Diagnostics

  • … and plant-side pathogen detection disrupting existing treatment paradigms

  • … technologies that hold potential in agriculture and animal health

  • … surveillance and management

Precision Medicine

  • … from human medicine that can improve herd or individual animal interventions

  • … and proteomic techniques with applicability to crops and animal agriculture

Emerging Tech

  • … that can improve crop and animal management

  • … and virtual solutions to enable producers to access advisors (agronomists, veterinarians, nutritionists, etc.) in the field

  • … that enable aggregation of data to improve and optimize production systems

  • … and material production systems

Get in touch.

If you are interested in learning more about FGC, please contact us.